Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fees in Canadian Public Schools

I like this comment:

1. Public education should be free for kids, I don't know if this should include food for free, but surreptitiously sliding in fees for other things is not right.

2. Complementing the point above, people have to be encouraged, and I think some social stigma is appropriate here, to think about their ability to care for a child before they bring them into the world. Yes there are circumstances out of the control of many who end up being single parents, or who end up having their children in foster care. But too often there is a lack of consideration given to the future and what basic level of support - financial and emotional - can be afforded to a child. Maybe I'm on a bit of a high horse here, but to argue the opposite, the kind of moral absolutist view that people have to be able to have kids in all circumstances no matter what, is to lose our minds.

I'm also not indifferent to the fact that the most ill equipped, educationally, emotionally, financially are the least well positioned to have this foresight. It is like the dystopian vision from the movie Idoicracy realized. Notwithstanding that, it is incumbent on everyone to encourage foresight and responsibility in undertaking the decision to have a child.

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